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About Me

Hi there and thank you for visiting my happy place (one of few).  My name is Andrea and 

I am a student of the fascinating Health Coach Training Program at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and want to share some of my learnings with the world. From the program, I have learned that living a healthy lifestyle is much more than eating a nutritious diet of mostly whole foods and minimally processed foods. This program has taught me the importance of self-care and since adopting some of the health and wellness practices, I am living a life of joy and gratitutde.

In addition, I am passionate about nutrition and eating well and would like to share my passion with you.

My hope is that you will incorporate some of the tips and info into your own self-care practices.




To educate the importance of self-care and support you with your self-care practices so you can live the good life responsibly and in balance.


I will help support you on your health and wellness journey by offering health tips, inspiration and recipes.

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